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Water Hardness

Hardness, which is dissolved rock in the water, is another major issue that Floridians experience on both City & Well Water. The Water Quality Association rates hardness on a scale of 1-10 (0-1 = soft water, up to 10 = Extremely Hard.) Our local water is on the extremely high side or off the scale of measurement for this contaminant. Hardness causes scale buildup on faucets, *water bearing appliances lose efficiency in only 1 year on hard water, & it shortens their lifecycle. It can cause dry itchy skin & hair. Hard water causes whites to become dull and dingy, and colors fade quicker. Our systems remove hardness, protecting your home’s valuable appliances. With soft water, you can reduce your cleaning products use and costs by up to 75%, saving money and getting more cleaning power.

* Water Bearing Appliances: Traditional Water Heaters, On Demand Water Heaters, Refrigerators, Dishwashers, Washing Machine, Ice Makers


  • Hardness
  • Chloramines
  • Hydrogen sulfide
  • Salt Water Intrusion
  • Iron
  • Tannins
  • Bacteria/Microbiological
  • Chemical Contamination

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